The export opportunity of the motor industry is coming

2020-09-08 15:04:49 买球·(中国)官方网站 Viewd 1403

On September 14, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued a notice to adjust the export tax rebate rate for some export commodities and to add a catalog of prohibited commodities for processing trade.

In the adjustment of the export tax rebate and processing trade tax policy, the motor is used as a "major technical equipment, some IT products and biomedical products, and some high-tech products encouraged by national industrial policies, etc. The export tax rebate rate has been increased from 13% to 17. %". According to relevant personnel from the Ministry of Commerce, this adjustment of export tax rebates and processing trade taxation policies is a structural adjustment. It is one of the comprehensive measures adopted by the State Council to implement macro-control policies this year. It is conducive to further optimizing the industrial structure, promoting the transformation of foreign trade growth, and promoting Balanced development of import and export trade.

Through this new policy, to a certain extent, it will alleviate the current intensified competition in the motor market and the soaring price of raw materials. my country's motor industry will usher in a rare development opportunity.

New policy introduced

Looking back on September 26 a year ago, the Small and Medium-sized Motors Branch held a small and medium-sized motor industry export work conference and two EU directive seminars in Shanghai when the export of products in the industry was extremely difficult. Delegates who came to the meeting reflected that the motor It is one of the main export products of China's electrical products for foreign exchange earning. It has been "small profits but quick sales" for a long time, so that it has not accumulated in the low-cost development process. It immediately encountered the problem of rising raw material prices and rising costs, lower export tax rebates, and the RMB exchange rate. The impact of changes on motor exports.

In recent years, the international market for electric motors has a great demand and is in a stage of high growth. With the further expansion of the foreign market of motor products, small and medium-sized motors will have major breakthroughs in export volume, varieties, product grades, and foreign exchange earnings. Some experts have suggested that how to integrate into the international market in the next few years and strive for more market share will become an important lifeline for the development of my country's small and medium-sized motor industry in the future.

At the seminar held in 2005, Wu Guohua, Director of the Policy Research Office of the Ministry of Commerce, Sun Guangbin, Deputy Director of the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, Guo Liping Senior Engineer of the Standards Department of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association, and Zhang Wanxiang, Director of the Marketing Department of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association were present at the meeting After earnestly listening to the opinions, the branch submitted to the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association and the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanical and Electrical Products with the China Electric Association Zhongmi (2005) No. 056, “Appeal to the relevant government departments to grant preferential policies related to the export of small and medium-sized electrical machinery products. Report”, it is recommended that government departments give preferential policies, and it is recommended that China Electrical Equipment Industry Association and China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products actively reflect the actual situation of the small and medium-sized motor industry to relevant government departments, and strive to obtain strong support from relevant government departments. Continue to develop and adjust policies accordingly.

The export opportunity of the motor industry is coming

Since then, the Chamber of Commerce of Electrical and Mechanical Services and the Electrical Equipment Industry Association conducted surveys on four key export companies. The Chamber of Commerce of Electrical and Mechanical Services held a National Motor Export Work Conference in Beijing on December 13-14, 2005. Through a series of work, the industry has reached a consensus: the fundamental measure to change the current unfavorable situation of my country's motor exports is to strengthen independent research and development, adjust the structure of export products, increase the technical added value of export products, and build international brands.

However, none of these measures can see obvious results in the short term. Therefore, the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products and the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association issued a joint document to the Ministry of Commerce on February 8, 2006, with the Ministry of Commerce of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China on February 8, 2006. The Department of Regulation and Finance, on behalf of the industry, called for the export tax rebate rate for small and medium-sized electrical products to be restored from 13% to 17%; and called on relevant government departments to provide relevant policy support during the transition period to enable electrical export companies to survive this difficult period.

Now, the notice jointly issued by the five ministries and commissions has clearly defined the export tax rebate rate for AC and DC motors, DC motors and DC generators, other single-phase AC motors, multi-phase AC motors, and AC generators with the tax number 85012000-85016430 From 13% to 17%, the motor industry has won such a development opportunity.

The Subcommittee of Small and Medium-sized Motors believes that this will be a rare and great opportunity, and calls on motor manufacturers across the country to effectively respond to the challenges of foreign trade protectionism and promote the healthy development of my country's exports of mechanical and electrical products. The relevant person in charge of the branch said that first, we must work hard to adjust the product structure, improve the quality and grade of export products; second, we must strengthen the self-discipline of enterprises and industries, put an end to vicious competition in opening up the international market, and adopt correct international marketing strategies. I believe that with the joint efforts of the Chinese government, business associations, and export companies, my country's motor industry will develop better.